
As a Phase 1 Prime to USMC Wargame Capability Stucan Solutions is pleased to announce that our team has been selected as part of the BAE Systems award winning  Phase 2 U.S. Marine Corps Wargaming Capability Integrated Prototyping for Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) over the next 18 month.


Stucan Solutions will be working with our partner Cervus Defence & Security, Ltd over the next 18 months developing a state-of-the-art prototyping and analytics platform to visualize and maximize wargaming data to help structure and enhance the future U.S. Marine Corps.

The official BAE news release is as follows.

“The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) has awarded BAE Systems an approximately $19 million contract to develop a prototype design for a new state-of-the-art Wargaming Center to be built at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. BAE Systems will integrate advanced technologies into the prototype, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, game theory, multi-domain modelling and simulation, and predictive data analytics, which will provide greater metrics and training on many wargaming processes.

“We will build on our experience supporting the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory Wargaming Division and partner with a diverse team of digital technology experts to produce an advanced prototype to help train an efficient, precise, and consistent force capable of fighting future wars in multiple domains,” said Peder Jungck, vice president and general manager of BAE Systems’ Intelligence Solutions business. “This prototype will integrate big data and advanced analytics in a secure cloud environment for future wargaming design and assessments.”

Since 2010, BAE Systems has supported the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory Wargaming Division with wargame planning, preparation, execution, and assessment. Deep understanding of the Marine Corps’ mission has positioned BAE Systems well for supporting further wargaming processes and identifying ways for the Marines to benefit from new technologies to enhance capabilities.

BAE Systems is one of three primes selected for the 18-month cloud modelling and simulation phase. As a lead systems integrator, BAE Systems formed a team of industry experts with breakthrough technology offerings and predictive analytics-based wargaming solutions that automate planning, execution, and post-game analytics.”

More detail on the programme are available here

Stucan Solutions and Cervus Defense will be providing Analytics as a Service and using Stucan-HIVE as the data analytics engine for the Wargaming Prototyping into the U.S. Marine Corps.  More details on Stucan-Hive are available here