Soldier Center Industry Day
Stucan team will be attending the DEVCOM Soldier Center Industry Day on the 30 May in Cambridge MA.
The objective of the Industry Day is the following:
Simulation and Training Technologies
Soldier Power Generation and Management Technologies
Soldier / Robotic Interface Technologies
Human Performance Technologies
Design, Pattern & Prototype Branch (DPPB)
Camouflage and Concealment
Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in DoD Clothing and Individual Equipment
Reversible Signature Management Overwhite Garments (RSMOG)
Personnel Parachute and Delivery
Autonomous Long-Range Resupply in Contested Environments
Close Combat Assault Ration (CCAR)
Small-Scale Atmospheric Water Harvester
Flameless Ration Heating Technology
HEROES – Harnessing Emerging Research Opportunities to Empower Soldier