Association of the United States Army (AUSA) 2024
Stucan team will be demonstrating at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) with industry partners and will be presenting to program managers from Army commands on new technologies to support the Army warfighters.
If you are interested in meeting with the team and discussing our new technologies please reach out below
AUSA has worked to support all aspects of national security while advancing the interests of America’s Army and the men and women who serve.
AUSA is a private, non-profit educational organization that supports America’s Army – Active, National Guard, Reserve, Civilians, Retirees, Government Civilians, Wounded Warriors, Veterans, and family members. AUSA provides numerous Professional Development Opportunities at a variety of events both local and national.
Held every October in Washington D.C., the AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition is one of the largest land warfare expositions and professional development forums in the world. The Annual Meeting consists of informative presentations, panel discussions on pertinent military and national security subjects, workshops, and important AUSA business meetings. The three-day event also includes over 700 industry and military exhibits occupying over 700,000 square feet of exhibit space. Presentations on the state of the Army and related defense subjects are given by the Secretary of the Army, the Army Chief of Staff, and other senior Army and Department of Defense representatives.
Each year over 35,000 attendees, including senior leaders from the Army, DoD, and Congress, as well as foreign dignitaries participate in the Annual Meeting. The event provides a unique opportunity to showcase defense industry products and services to key Army and DoD decision-makers, discover new developments in defense technology, and meet with colleagues from the worldwide defense community.
Are there speaking opportunities available at the Annual Meeting?
Speaking opportunities at AUSA’s Annual Meeting are not readily available to anyone outside the Army and the defense community. The speakers for ILW’s Contemporary Military Forums and other events at AUSA’s Annual Meeting will be determined in coordination with the office of the Army Chief of Staff. Once the panel leaders have been identified, the composition of each panel will be determined either by the office of the Chief of Staff or by the panel leaders themselves.